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Baby Baths

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Our Range of Baby Baths Help You Share Those Precious First Moments

Why use a baby bath?

A baby bath can be a helpful tool when bathing your newborn. It can make the process easier and less messy. Additionally, some baby bathtubs come equipped with a built-in seat or support, which can be helpful when bathing a wiggly baby... and they can get very wiggly!

If you decide to use a baby bath, make sure it is placed in the sink or tub before you start running water. It is also important to make sure that the tub is not too full and that the water is not too hot.  As your baby gets older, can sit up and support themself, you may start to introduce a playful element to the bathing experience with some baby bath toys.

As your baby can fully sit up and support themself, you can start to transition to a baby bath seat that can be placed in your existing bathtub or shower.

When should you give baby's first bath? 

There is no set rule for when to give your baby's first bath. However, most doctors recommend waiting until the umbilical cord has fallen off and the navel has healed before giving your baby a bath. You may want to wait even longer if your baby was born early or has any health issues. Talk to your doctor about when the best time to start bathing your baby would be.

If you decide to give your baby a sponge bath before their umbilical cord falls off, there are a few things you need to do. Make sure the room is warm and that you have everything you need within reach. You will need a clean baby bath towel, a washcloth, mild soap, and a clean nappy.

To start, undress your baby and wrap them in the towel. Unwrap them just enough so that you can access their face, neck, and bottom. Wet the washcloth with warm water and gently wipe your baby's face. Be careful not to get water in their eyes, nose, or mouth. Next, wash their neck and bottom.

After you have finished washing your baby, dry them off with a towel. You can then put a clean nappy on them and dress them in clean clothes.

What kind of bath should newborns be given? 

There is no need to give your newborn a bath every day. In fact, bathing them too often can be drying and irritating to their skin. Newborns should only be given a bath two to three times a week, or as needed.

When you do give your newborn a bath, it is important to use gentle, mild products. Look for baby lotions and powders that are specifically designed for babies and make sure to rinse your baby off completely after their bath.

You will also need to take extra care when drying your newborn off. Make sure to pat their skin dry rather than rubbing it. You may also want to apply a hypoallergenic lotion to their skin to help keep it moisturized.

You may also like to use a baby bath stand to help alleviate potential back strain or inadequate bathing space in other household areas.

Are baby bathtubs necessary?

You do not need a baby bathtub to give your newborn a bath. You can bathe them in the sink or in a regular bathtub as long as you are careful.

If you do decide to use a baby bathtub, make sure it is placed in the sink or tub before you start running water. It is also important to make sure that the tub is not too full and that the water is not too hot 

You will also need to take extra care when bathing your newborn in a tub. Make sure to support their head and neck at all times and never leave them unattended.

Some parents prefer to use a baby bathtub because it can make bathing your newborn easier. Others find that it is not necessary and prefer to bathe their baby in the sink or regular tub. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what works best for you and your family.

What temperature should baby bath water be?

The water for your baby's bath should be warm, but not hot. You can test the temperature of the water by feeling it with your hand. The water should feel comfortable to you. To be sure, you can also check the baby bath temperature with a bath thermometer. 

If you are using a thermometer, the device will indicate the optimum temperature. It is also important to make sure that the tub is not too full and that the water is not running directly on your baby.