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Sleep Aids

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Soothe your baby to sleep with our sleep aids

What can you give a baby to help them sleep?

It is not recommended to give baby any medical sleep aids, but there are some other really good ideas that will help your baby sleep. One is to create a bedtime routine and stick to it as closely as possible. This means having the same activities happen in the same order every night before sleep. For example, you might give your baby a bath, read them a story, and then put them in their cot. Another is to make sure the sleeping environment is conducive to sleep, meaning it is dark, quiet, and comfortable. You might also want to try white noise to help a baby sleep. This can be something as simple as running a fan, playing soft music, or invest in a sound machine. Finally, you should avoid letting your baby get overtired during the day by making sure they take regular naps. A tired baby will have a harder time falling asleep at night. Putting baby in their cot when they are drowsy but awake helps them associate their bed with falling sleep. Some families find a sleep trainer is a helpful tool too. If you are struggling to get your baby to sleep, talk to your pediatrician or infant care professional about other options that might be available.

What causes babies to not sleep at night?

There are a number of things that can cause babies to not sleep at night. One is an irregular bedtime routine. Another is a noisy or bright sleeping environment. Finally, overtiredness can also cause sleep problems. If you are struggling to get your baby to sleep, talk to your pediatrician or infant care professional.

Why is baby so restless while sleeping?

If they appear to be asleep but are moving, grizzling, and making noises, odds are baby is just dreaming. Babies spend more time in REM sleep than children or adults, this is when dreaming happens. Use your baby monitor, and only go into baby's room if you are really concerned because going in and out too often will disrupt baby's sleep. Have a night light in baby's room so you can see without lighting up the whole room, this will help avoid waking baby.

Baby is teething and not sleeping well, what can I do?

There are a few things you can do to help. One is to give them something to chew on like a teething ring or frozen washcloth. You can also try massaging their gums with your finger and some teething gel like Bonjela. Finally, you can give them infant pain relief medication according to the package directions. If you are concerned about your baby's teething pain, talk to your pediatrician or infant care professional.

How do you teach a baby to self soothe?

There are a few things you can do to help baby learn to self soothe. They are much the same as helping them sleep.

  • Put them down drowsy but awake so they learn to associate their bed with falling asleep.
  • Create a bedtime routine and stick to it as closely as possible.
  • Try white noise to help a baby sleep. This can be something as simple as running a fan, playing soft music, or invest in a sound machine.
  • Avoid letting your baby get overtired during the day by making sure they take regular naps.
  • Use a sleep trainer is a helpful tool too.

If you are struggling to get your baby to self soothe, talk to your pediatrician or infant care professional.