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Baby & Toddler Hats

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Protect your child's head from the weather

Why do they put hats on newborn babies? 

There are a few reasons why hats are often placed on newborn babies. One reason is that they can help to keep the baby warm. Newborns have very little body fat and they can often lose heat quickly. A beanie or hat can help to provide an extra layer of warmth 
Another reason why hats are used is because they can help to protect the baby's head. The skull of a newborn is very soft and delicate. A hat can help to cushion the head and protect it from bumps
Lastly, hats can also be used as a way to identify the baby. In a hospital setting, there can be many babies and it can be helpful for staff to be able to quickly. In a home setting its an easy way to tell your newborn twins apart.

When should babies wear hats?

Babies should wear hats when they are outdoors and it is cold or windy. They should also wear hats when they are indoors, if the room is cool. If you are using a baby carrier, put a hat on your baby's head to protect them from the sun 
You might also want to put a hat on your baby if they are sleeping in a bassinet or crib next to a window. The hat can help to block out the light and keep your baby's head warm.

How do you choose the right hat for a baby or toddler?

There are a few things you should consider when choosing a hat for your child. The first is the season. If it is winter, you will want a thicker hat that will provide more warmth. For summer, a lighter weight hat is usually sufficient 
The second thing to consider is the fit. You want the hat to be snug on their head but not too tight. It should also stay on their head even when they move around. If the hat is too loose, it can easily fall off 
The last thing to consider is the material. Wool or cotton are good choices for most babies. 

How do you put a hat on a baby?

The easiest way to put a hat on a baby is to lay them down on their back. Place the hat on their head and pull it down so that it covers their ears. If the hat has ties, make sure they are tied securely under the chin 
You can also put a hat on a baby while they are sitting up. Put the hat on their head and pull it down over their ears. If the hat has ties, you can tie them in a bow at the back of the baby's head.

Should toddlers wear hats?

Toddlers should wear hats when they are outdoors, in both warm and cold weather. In the summer, a hat with a brim can help to protect your toddler from the sun. In the winter, a thicker hat will help to keep them warm 
You might also want to put a hat on your toddler if they have long hair. A hat can help to keep the hair out of their face. If your toddler is wearing a coat, put the hat on over the coat so that it covers their ears 

How do I get my toddler to keep their hat on?

Some tips for getting your toddler to keep their hat on include:

  • Choose a hat that is the right size. A too-big hat will be more likely to fall off.
  • Choose a hat with ties or Velcro. This will help to keep the hat in place.
  • Put the hat on while your toddler is sitting down and a little preoccupied. This will help to prevent them from taking it off right away.
  • Explain to your toddler why it is important to wear a hat. For example, tell them that the hat will help to keep them warm or help to protect their eyes from the sun.
  • Make a game out of it. See how long they can keep their hat on.